Caroling and Cocoa
Join us for a night of caroling! We will meet at 5:30 pm at Ponca City Nursing Home to carol the hallways. At 6:00 pm we will head to the church for finger foods, cocoa, and even more singing.
Communicate Team
Worship Team
Sondra Swaggart Memorial Service
Mother of Bret Carter
Board Meeting
Leaders of the congregation and those interested in the governance of Community Christian Church meet the 3rd Monday of each month. All members of the congregation are invited to attend these meetings.
Graduate Sunday
Community Christian will honor its high school, college, technical school, etc., graduates, with a breakfast and tables set up in the narthex for photos and memorabilia.Tell us about your graduate before MAY 14 to participate.
Birthday Bingo
Bingo! On the 2nd Wednesday of each month, Community invites all members and visitors (especially those having a birthday that month) for Bingo, prizes, and refreshments.
Sarah Group – Disciples Women
All women of the church are invited to fellowship, study and service with the Sarah Group (Disciples Women, formerly called Christian Women’s Fellowship).d
Coffee’s On!
Need your Java in the morning? On the 2nd Sunday of the month, Community Christian provides a variety of flavored, “regular” and decaffeinated coffees and hot beverages, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Best part may be the fellowship, though!
Sonrise Easter Service
He is risen! Come join the three Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) of Ponca City in a joint Easter service at “Sonrise”! Rev. Susan Payne will preside at communion, music is led by Richard and Angela McReynolds, and Rev. Robert Shaffer will offer a brief homily. Donuts to follow.
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Let’s Hunt Easter Eggs! Children in the neighborhoods surrounding Community Christian Church are invited to join the congregation in its Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 19, 1 p.m. on the church grounds. Younger children will be allowed to hunt in a separate area from older children, and eggs will be stuffed with candy, as well […]
Good Friday – “Trilogy” – April 18
Trilogy is a Tenebrae (darkness or shadows) service interweaving the stories of three witnesses to the passion of Christ. Service begins at 7 p.m.
“Soup & See” – Wednesdays in Lent
The Way by Adam Hamilton Come have a bowl of soup and see the places where Jesus walked during his time on earth. Bring a friend or two – no charge!