We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. It’s really that simple. This is our profession of faith. This is our starting point. Like most Disciples of Christ congregations, we are a diverse group. We come from many faith backgrounds, and some have had no church experience before. Because we have only one confession — that as Messiah, Jesus leads us on paths that are life-giving and life-saving — everyone is encouraged to seriously study and engage the Bible, in conversation with others in the faith.


Disciples celebrate communion every week. It is a privilege and an honor to be at Christ’s table. One core Disciples belief is that Christ welcomes all to his table – no one is turned away, and all are worthy to receive this spiritual nourishment each Sunday morning.


“Through baptism into Christ we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God.” Disciples of Christ practice what some call “believer’s baptism.” Older children (generally 4th grade or older), teens and adults who believe that Jesus is the Christ (way of salvation), are baptized during regular Sunday worship by being immersed in water. Putting the whole body in the waters of baptism symbolizes putting away the old things in our lives that kept us from being whole and one with God. Rising from the water, we are renewed, ready to begin the journey of the Christian life.

Baptism is only a step along the path for Disciples.

This is a life-long process where you will grow, change, learn, question, and yes, sometimes even make mistakes! The good news of Christ and a loving God is that there is nothing that you can do to keep you from the love of God in Christ Jesus (paraphrase of Romans 8:38-39).

Infant/Child Dedications

When a family has a child, the whole congregation celebrates! Parents bring their children on special Sundays to commit to raising them in the way of Christ and in the community of the church. This is a two-way street, though, with the entire congregation pledging to help nurture, guide and simply love the child, supporting the parents in any way that possible.