What is the worship service like?

Our services are not overly formal but do have a structured liturgy that’s easy to follow by using the provided program.

When you join us, expect others to be friendly and introduce themselves, but know that you will never be put on the spot or singled out for being new.  We strive for a warm and comfortable service that, while being more traditional, does not feel too rigid.

We do celebrate an open communion.  Every Christian, whether you are a member of this church or not, is invited to share in communion at the Lord’s table.

What should I wear?

God is more concerned with what’s in our hearts than He is with what we wear.

On Sundays you will see everything from formal to business casual to jeans. Come in whatever is comfortable for you, knowing that you will not be judged or turned away.

The most important thing is that we have come to fellowship with God and each other.

What about accessibility?

For the Hearing Impaired

Community Christian Church is committed to making sure that worship services are audible for the majority of worshipers. Hearing assistance devices are located in a basket near the restrooms, outside the sanctuary. Please ask an usher for assistance in finding and using these devices.

For the Visually Impaired

Large-print hymnals are available at the entrances to the sanctuary. Please request one from an usher.

Wheelchairs and Walkers

The south main doors are push-button controlled for easy opening and closing. Handicapped parking is located at the end of the sidewalk in the east parking lot, leading directly to the front door.

Several of the churches pews are shortened, providing extra space for wheelchairs at the end of the pews. Please contact an usher if you need assistance locating one of these pews.

In addition, the church has several wheelchairs and walkers for use in the building. Please ask an usher for assistance.